As a company, we strive to exhibit accurate skill and craftsmanship in our respective field of surface restoration and protection. We accomplish our challenges using passion, performance, and professionalism. We go beyond the details – every day.
From auto to awnings, boats to baths, we are here to help. We have worked for years creating a better solution to surface protection. However, we even continue to spend time and resources to develop, research, and test the most relevant, intelligent, and high-quality surface technologies. Pioneering is all the excitement. We have proved our systems time and time again to give dramatic results, transforming surfaces to display aesthetic beauty and remarkable function. We call it the “functional vanity”. We own the domain of solutions against premature aging, damage, and the need for heavy frustrating cleaning. Cleaning doesn’t have to be a drag.
DNA Surface Concepts was founded on a passion for creating aesthetic beauty, as well as creating new long-term functioning surfaces. We operate at an extreme level of meticulous detail and finish quality that you normally don’t discover with other companies. DNA Surface Concepts was really a challenge in the beginning, as we realized our coatings were able to traverse different fields of application. This created many new opportunities but with each came a new business model. We love that grind. Our team has 9 years of developing processes that ensure proper execution and service plans that help maintain without frustration. Thus, we will be able to give you the best price and value. Long-term impacts are huge when you deal with these technologies, and we like to think that we are very well versed in these technologies, as we continue to push the envelope.
A word from the CEO
DNA Domain
Enjoy your tour and we will see you soon.
Be greater than ever.
Sean Kelly
President and Founder
1980 Avenue L • Riviera Beach, FL 33404 • +1 877-731-0526 • info@dnasurfaceconcepts.com